Member Spotlight “Eashan Singh”


  • Name: Eashan Singh

  • Age: 21

  • Program: Civil Engineering, 3rd Year at University of Auckland

  • Hometown: Fiji


Eashan came to us with a clear goal: to elevate his basketball game. Originally from Fiji, where basketball facilities and structured training opportunities were limited, Eashan sought out a program that could offer him the resources and challenges he needed to grow.

"I joined Dynamic because I wanted to improve my skills," Eashan shared. "Back home, we didn’t have the same facilities or programs, and I wanted the opportunity to further develop myself as a player."

Experience at Dynamic Basketball

Since joining Dynamic Basketball, Eashan has embraced the challenges we offer. From skill-specific drills to intense game training sessions, Eashan’s commitment to improvement is evident every time he steps onto the court.

"What I love most about training here is that nothing is too easy. Every drill pushes me to get better, and I feel like I’m always learning something new," he said. Eashan also highlighted the competitive yet supportive atmosphere in our game training classes, which he says have helped him grow as a player.

The Power of Community

One of the things we value most at Dynamic is our community, and Eashan has become an integral part of it. Whether it’s during open court sessions or regular training, he’s connected with others who share his passion for the game.

"There’s so much support here, not just from the coaches, but from everyone. It’s a great environment to play hard and improve," Eashan noted.

Message to Newcomers

For those considering joining Dynamic Basketball, Eashan has this to say: "If you’re serious about improving as a player, there’s something here for you. The services are top-notch, and you’ll always find something to look forward to."